Helpline Mon-Fri 10-3
01484 860077
The Denby Dale Centre accepts referrals from:
Kirklees Council (public health)
GP Surgery
Community and Activity Groups.
Self Referrals (from general public, family or carers)
Professional Referrals:
We would normally confirm results of referral (start dates or group not suitable) within seven days by email if provided - if you do not hear back from us, please do telephone the numbers above to follow up in case there are complex issues.
Dementia Referral:
Step 1 - Complete a "Carer Assessment" for the person being referred to test if the group is appropriate for you. Click here. This is a self help tool to help you check if our group is feasible for your needs.
Step 2 - Book a "Call Back" - our Dementia Champion is not available 24-7, but she has listed times reserved for you, and you are welcome to book her to call you. Call back click here.
Step 3 - Complete the "Referral Form" so we have your details - click referral link on this page.
Alternatively, you can contact us at:
07387 079304 (office hours plus Thursday 5-7pm)
01484 860077 (Mon - Fri 10-3)
Non-Dementia Referral:
Our referrals are dominated by people living with dementia, however we do accept referrals through social prescribing and other sources for our social activities or transport services. Please go straight to the referral button on this page to register your referral to us.
Alternatively, you can contact us at:
01484 860077 (Mon - Fri 10-3)